Waters Ridge 1
1655 Waters Ridge DrLewisville, TX 75057
Waters Ridge 1 is located in Louisville, TX. The property is 367,744 SF and is in close proximity to DFW Airport. Property features include 67 dock high doors, 13 grade level doors and an ESFR fire suppression system.
Key Features
- 34,944 SF office space
- 67 dock high doors
- 13 grade level doors
- Availability Occupied
- Total building size 367,744 SF 34165 SQM
- Total land size 20.20 acres 1.87 SQM
- Office size 34,944 SF 3,246 SQM
- Mezzanine size 871 SF 81 SQM
- # Grade level doors 13
- Warehouse lighting type Fluorescent
- Clear height 37.5 FT 11.43 M
- Fire suppression system ESFR
- # Dock high doors 67
Contact us
Contact one of our trusted leasing agents to learn more about this property or schedule a time to see it.
Chris Delzell
VP, Leasing,
Central 646.420.1531 cdelzell@glp.com